Keep up to date with my class and workshop offerings at:

The new, re-vamped, easier to use is the place to go to find not only my offerings but classes and workshops being held world-wide by all the members of the 5Rhythms Teachers Association (5RTA).  5RTA teachers are the only 5Rhythms teachers whose classes and workshops fulfill the prerequisite hours necessary to apply to the 5Rhythms Teacher Training program.  In addition, the continuing education hours required of 5RTA members ensure that all classes and workshops taught by members are grounded in both the foundations of the 5Rhythms while being inspired by what it means to be part of a living, breathing, evolving practice.

I hope you’ll join me (of course) at one of my classes or workshops as we continue to love to move, one step at a time, heartbeat to the beat, with love on the dance floor.





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